March 5 in 2022
Keichitsu (啓蟄) is the 3rd of the 24 solar terms (節気) in the East Asian Calendars.
The ground warms up, so hibernating insects come out around this time.
The first thunder after the first day of spring (February 4th) by the old calendar is called “the thunder wakes insects out”. It could be that the thunder wakes insects up with a big bang!
By the way, if you want to put your hina dolls away, this day is a good day for it.
(Related article)
24 Sekki / 24節気
~ 24 Divisions of The Solar Year; 24 Terms Used to Denote The Changing of The Seasons ~
Category : 24 Divisions of The Solar Year , Japanese Culture , text @en
Tag : 24 divisions of the solar year , 24sekki , corona virus , COVID-19 , COVID19 , Emergency , Japanese culture , season , tanabata , The coronavirus , 日本の文化