Summer Purification (夏越しの祓)

In Japan, since ancient times, there has been a custom of performing a purification ceremony at an age known as the age of misfortune, when a house is built or when a car is purchased. In addition, there are also purification ceremonies held at milestones such as half a year.


What is “O-harae (Great Purification)”?


The Great Purification is a Shinto annual event that takes place on the last day of June and December (30 June and 31 December in the new calendar). It is a way of purifying oneself of sins and impurities committed unknowingly in one’s daily life.
The ‘summer purification’ takes place on 30 June.
The New Year’s Eve Purification takes place on 31 December.

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Origins of the O-harae


Some say that the history of the Great Purification is ancient and that it was officially designated as an annual court event by the Taiho Code of 701, which means that it has a history of more than 1,300 years.

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Summer Purification


Even today, these semi-annual purification ceremonies are held at shrines all over the country.
The summer purification ceremony is held at the end of June, when the year is exactly half over. It is an event to remove the sins and impurities that have accumulated over the past six months.

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Summer Purification Rites ~What Do They Do at Shrines? ~


As there are differences between shrines, please read the following as an example.

(1) A Shinto ritual is performed, in which the priest recites the purification prayer and performs the purification.

(2) A paper doll in the shape of a human being is used to rub your body, and then you blow on the doll to transfer your sins and impurities to it.

(3) Pass through a ring of sedge. The procession passes through it three times in a figure of eight (left, right and left) in order to purify your body of impurities.

Times and fees vary from shrine to shrine, so please enquire in advance at the shrine you wish to visit.

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Summer Purification Rites in Kagoshima


The Schedule for 2024 for the main shrines in Kagoshima is as follows.


Terukuni Shrine


Period of Setting Up A Ring Made of Sedge Grass  27 June ~ 1 July
Summer Purification: 30 June, 16:00-
Fee: ¥2000/family ¥1000/car
* Red seals are available in a special version during the summer pilgrimage period (30 June-31 July).
TEL 099-222-1820
Official Site




Kengokoku Shrine


Ceremony: 30 June, 14:00- (Registration 13:00 ~)
Fee:¥1,000 ~
TEL 099-226-7030
 Official Site



Kirishima Shrine

Ceremony: 30 June

TEL 0995-57-0001
Official Site



Kagoshima Shrine


Ceremony: 30 June 16:00~ (Usual)
Fee:¥1,000/family (Usual)



Nitta Shrine


Ceremony: 30 June 14:00~ (Usual)

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Category : Japanese Culture , text @en

Tag : 24 divisions of the solar year , 24sekki , corona virus , COVID-19 , COVID19 , Emergency , Japanese culture , season , tanabata , The coronavirus , 日本の文化

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