March 21 in 2022
Shunbun (春分) is the 4th of 24 solar terms (節氣) in the traditional East Asian calendars.
It is the Vernal Equinox Day.
In Japan, this day is a holiday for “the day to praise nature and love creatureds”.
It is also the middle day of equinoctial week (higan / 彼岸), in which people visit graves of ancestors and visit temples.
(Related article)
24 Sekki / 24節気
~ 24 Divisions of The Solar Year; 24 Terms Used to Denote The Changing of The Seasons ~
Category : 24 Divisions of The Solar Year , Japanese Culture , text @en
Tag : 24 divisions of the solar year , 24sekki , corona virus , COVID-19 , COVID19 , Emergency , Japanese culture , season , tanabata , The coronavirus , 日本の文化