Our Satsuma-yaki has over 400 years history。Miyama is the town of Satsuma-yaki pottery with 14 kilns. Jukan-toen Kiln and Sameshima Satarou Kiln is well known. At the Satsuma pottery Museum "Miyama Touyukan", you can try making satsuma-yaki pottery, and see every Miyama kiln's works. Every Autumn (the end of October), Miyama pottery festival is held in Miyama.
Satsuma-yaki pottery
Satsuma-yaki pottery is one of Kagoshima's special products.
In 1598, many Korean potters were brought back with the 17th lord of Satsuma, Yoshihiro Shimadzu, due to the defeat of the wars of bunrokku and Keicho. Shimadzu let Korean potters produce his wares. It is the origine of Satsuma-yaki pottery.
Satsuma-yaki has 2 types; White Satsuma (Shiro satsuma) and black Satsuma (kuro satsuma). White satsuma is ivory glazed ware usually with carvings or gorgeous paintings on it. Black satsuma is solid balck glazed ware which was widely used by the common people.
There are over 100 kilns in Kagoshima Prefecture. Kagoshima is one of the largest producers of ceramics in Japan.