<Event for non-Japanese residents sponsored by Kagoshima International Association>
Is it difficult to visit Japanese hospital?
What do you need when you go to hospital?
What do you need to do at hospital?
How do you pay?
How do you get medicines?
If you have any questions about visiting hospitals, join this tour! We welcome your questions! The reception staff and doctors will answer your questions directly!
The purpose of this event is to learn about procedures for a hospital visit while enjoying a tour of the facilities.
Your friends and families are also welcome!
*English and Chinese interpretation will be provided.
*Meeting place: Prefectural Citizens Exchange Center 1F (鹿児島県民交流センター), then move to the hospital by tram.
*You can read the information in English, Chinese and Korean at the site below.
Capacity: 20 people (first to apply)
*Please write your name, address, phone number, and E-mail address and send it by e-mail or FAX. You can apply in English.
E-mail: kia8@po.synapse.ne.jp
Fax: 099-221-6643
Start |
Feb. 01, 2014 13:30 ~ 16:30 |
Address | 14-50 Yamashita-cho, Kagoshima city |
Place | Meeting Place: Kagoshima Prefectural Citizens Exchange Center 1F (鹿児島県民交流センター) |
Fee | Tram fee: 160 yen (one way / per person) |
Contact |
Kagoshima International Association TEL: 099-221-6620 |
Web | http://www.synapse.ne.jp/kia/event/1402jHospitals.html |