It is said that Zen meditation makes you relax, calm down, and cope with anxiety and stress.
Find your inner peace through this practice!
●For Who: Foreign residents living, commuting, or attending school in Kagoshima City
●Fee: Free
●Capacity:8 foreign residents
●Application deadline: February 9th, 2024(Fri)
●How to apply
[By application Form]
Please click here for filling the form on the Kagoshima City International Exchange Center website.
[By e-mail]
Please write the information below and send it to kakusai@kiex.jp by e-mail.
① Name (Katakana) ② Nationality ③ Address ④ TEL ⑤ E-mail address
⑥ Please write “Experience Zen Meditation (B)”
*Please write "Japanese room event" in the subject line.
#鹿児島市イベント #かごしま国際交流センター #eventkagoshima #internationalfriendshipcenterkagoshima #座禅体験 #zenmeditation #japanesecultureexperience #日本文化体験 #zenmeditationexperience
Start |
Feb. 25, 2024 1:30 PM ~ 3:30 PM |
Genre | Japanese Culture Experience |
Address | 19-18 Kajiya-cho, Kagoshima City, Kagoshima Prefecture (Map) |
Place | International Friendship Center Kagoshima |
Fee | No charge |
Contact |
Kagoshima International Exchange Foundation TEL: 099-226-5931 |
Web | https://www.kiex.jp/events/16335/ |