【Recruiting Participants】Seminar for Supporting Foreign People in Disasters

【Recruiting Participants】Seminar for Supporting Foreign People in Disasters

Have you ever been surprised by the smartphone alarm when a typhoon was approaching and haven’t had any clue what it says in Japanese on the screen?

Kagoshima City International Exchange Center will hold a workshop to make networks for sending quick and accurate information if a disaster occurs, using the popular app “LINE”.
We would like to connect with many (foreign) people to make better networks and send comprehensible disaster information to as many people as possible.
To help make yourself, your family, and your friends safe during disasters, please join us!
*Application required.

Contents: 1. Seminar about the situation for foreign people in disasters
                  2. Workshop for making networks and rules
Capacity: 50 people (If oversubscribed, participants will be decided by a draw.)
Apply to: Kagoshima City International Exchange Center
      〒892-0846  19-18 Kajiya-cyo,  Kagoshima city
      TEL: 099-226-5931
                  FAX: 099-239-9258
                  E-mail: yunoki@kiex.jp
                  HP: http://www.kiex.jp/

Start Dec. 20, 2020

13:00 ~ 16:00 (Entry from 12:30)


19-18 Kajiya-cyo,  Kagoshima city


PlaceInternational Friendship Center Kagoshima

No charge

Contact Kagoshima International Exchange Foundation
TEL: 099-226-5931
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